Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chair Racing

Ah! Mondays. I love them. Today might be my last Monday at the Center. We were informed today that this will be our last week working in the schools that we have been working at. Our Center opens up on the first. So we will be moving out there next week. I am looking forward to it. Today we had a meeting with Ellen. She is the director of the foreign language centers. She came and told us that we would be taking part in the opening ceremonies. We are just running things in the sim labs. I don't know if we'll be giving speeches or anything. Hell I don't even know where I'll be going for the most of next week.

But now on to the title of this post. Today at work, typical Monday, we (Arielle and myself) started off the usual way. Checking email, doing crosswords and reading. When we started sliding around the room in our chairs. It progressed to a designed figure 8 race track. I am proud to say that I won. I kicked ass. I rocked the house. I won with a triumphant block with a double chair push block. There are obstacles that we can use to our advantage. Arielle was coming around the corner, when I threw two chairs to block her and rolled my way to victory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're a goober.
